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Chiropractic Care

What is Chiropractic?

Woman getting adjustedChiropractic is a natural, conservative alternative approach to achieve better health and wellness. Chiropractors diagnose, manage, treat, and help prevent mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially of the spine.

Chiropractic manipulation is a therapeutic treatment by a licensed chiropractor. Our chiropractor uses pressure to manipulate joints in your body to improve and restore movement dysfunctions of the spine and reduce pain and discomfort.

A Different Approach

Mark doesn’t just target problems in his patients’ musculoskeletal systems, his focus is on helping them change their overall lifestyle and get into better habits. Aftercare is an important aspect of his treatment. Finding ways for the patient to be more active, gain strength and agility, and improve their respiratory fitness. Improving cardio and respiratory fitness enables better oxygen utilisation in the body, which is key to healing and rejuvenating tissues.

Gentle Techniques

Mark refers to himself as a gentle giant. He never wants to push a patient past their pain tolerance, so he always starts with gentle, soft tissue mobilisation. He communicates with the patient at all times to ensure their comfort, and increases the intensity over time, based on the patient.

Mark’s primary technique is Diversified, however he may use one or more adjunct services for best results.

Adjunct Services

In addition to quality chiropractic care, we offer these adjunct services

  • MLS Class IV (High-powered) Laser Therapy—a safe, effective, pain-free, and non-invasive treatment modality used for the treatment of injuries like musculoskeletal strains, sprains, and associated inflammation. MLS laser uses light to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and oedema, promote wound healing and tissue repair.
  • Dry Needling (Medical Acupuncture)—performed by certified therapists. It uses thin monofilament needles to treat muscular trigger points to relieve pain and improve movement.
  • Kinesiology and Sport Taping—used in the management of pain, muscle or joint injury, inflammation, oedema, and more.
    Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (IASTM)—IASTM with Rock Blades uses tools with a variety of different edges and shapes to scan for and treat soft tissue adhesions and muscle trigger points.
  • Physical Activity and Exercise Prescription—Physical activity helps prevent, treat, and manage a range of chronic musculoskeletal and health conditions. Our chiropractor safely and effectively prescribes physical activity and exercise plans based on an assessment of health status, baseline fitness, goals, limitations and preferences.

Find Out More Today

Speak with our staff to discover more about our services or book an appointment. Call today; free consultations available!

Chiropractic Care | +447379005214